2022 is waving out
And 2023 waving in,
Assuring filfillment of hopes and dreams
Something to look forward to, from within!
Embrace the new year 2023,
with wide open arms,
Bidding farewell to a year,
that's gone by, with all its voids and charms!
2022 was full of hopes and apprehensions,
Fearing the return of unknown events and elements,
Many realizations and awakenings,
Yet waiting for a healthy tomorrow and celebrations!
We are unaware of what 2023 has in store,
With the lockdowns facing us once more!
Fear of one dominating the others,
When will humans consider others as brothers?
Things were looking greener and better,
On the horizon far and near,
Was it just a mere deception, realized with a tear?
Or hoping against hopes, all future unclear?
Shall we be aware and aware?
Will it come or won't it go?
It's all too futile to think,
about what we do not know!
Is it our own doing that's acting against us,
Have we wished for too much,
More than what God granted us?
Nature has been very kind and generous,
Showering us with all blessings and pleasure,
Abundant, green, lushly leisure!
Have we poisoned the soils and waters?
Is it we that contaminated the rivers?
Have we polluted the air around us?
Also the brains and minds, that surround us?
We all will think and act together,
Fight out what has come up hither!
Let's all unite and say aloud,
A silver lining to a dark cloud!
2022 is waving out, 2023 waving in,
Let's welcome the transition with all our being!
Happy 2023 !!!!!
Prof. Dr Jaya Kurhekar
Green Blogger